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Reduce pain, Improve muscle function, Increase range of motion, with tape?

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Reduce pain, Improve muscle function, Increase range of motion, with tape? thumbnail
Reduce pain, Improve muscle function, Increase range of motion, with tape? thumbnail

Watch the video now! Hey Dr. McNamara here at McLaughlin care, coming out with a wellness Wednesday. And today I'm going to talk about the upside to Kinesio taping. So Kinesio taping is something that we use in our office quite a bit, and it's really, really effective for pain and proprioception. And right here, I had this study that came out in 2020, that looked at the effect of Kinesio taping on cervical proprioception,

cervical, meaning the neck area in athletes with mechanical neck pain. And this is a placebo controlled style controlled trial study. And what they found from this study was that the Kinesio tape application for three, after three to seven days effectively decreased joint errors and movement when they moved as well as decreasing mechanical neck pain in the participants compared to the placebo group.

So the way it kind Of works and I'll show you as you come over here, it works on four major mechanisms and one of them being the skin and how that works is based on the central nervous system gate theory, which we may be we'll get into in another video. That's a little bit too in the weeds for this one right now, though. And pretty much it blocks those signals of pain by attaching to the skin. So what we want to do when we apply it is we want to Find the point of the muscles.

We want to go for it. And we're going for those cervical paraspinal muscles, meaning along the side of the spine. And then we want to add a little bit of stretch and Emily's got some hair up here. So it's a little bit hard to get it on there because of the hair, but this is really good adhesive and it'll get through it.

So I'll move it out a little bit more and then we'll add some stretch into it. And that stretch is going to act on another mechanism, which has to do with the muscle that we're going for. And again, we're going for those pair of spinal muscles.

Since I stretched it while she was in this fluxed forward position, that muscles lengthened so we stretched the tape, so when she comes back into a neutral position that tape's going to contract with that muscle and support that through that movement, the other mechanisms that axon is also the lymphatic system and the lymphatic system is kind of a similar to our veins and it returns different types of waste in the body, to the liver and other places for it to get exposed disposed of.

So this kind of pulls up the skin and gives that lymph a little bit more drainage. So I'm doing the same thing on this side. We want to avoid all wrinkles. And then the last mechanism of axon is the joints themselves. And it does that by just increasing the proprioception, which that study showed that I've mentioned earlier and that we'll link to in the comments.

So there's the one supporting the muscle, and I'm going to put one more at the site of most pain. So Emily, can you point to where you're feeling the most pain in your neck right around there? So Emily slept on her neck wrong about a week ago, we've been treating her and this tape has been really helping her as far as pain and function goes.

So again, I'm going to add some stretch in there, right there. And then that is the upside of Kinesio taping. If you are a friend or relative, you think could benefit from this, Come to our office, it's great for athletes, active individuals and just individuals that are experiencing chronic pain. So, you know, if you're interested in more information, at least some information in the comments, if you have any experiences with Kinesio tape, let us know your experience and any questions, also put them in the comments and we'll get back to you. Thank you, Dr. McNamara.

McLaughlin Care and Begin with Wellness Weight Loss

900 N. Shore Drive, Suite 170

Lake Bluff, IL 60044


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