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Pillar 6 - Toxins & Relationships - Heal Community

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Pillar 6 - Toxins & Relationships - Heal Community thumbnail
Pillar 6 - Toxins & Relationships - Heal Community thumbnail


Hey Dr. McNamara here with the sixth and final pillar for our heal community, toxins and relationships, not to get this confused with the recent Johnny Depp and Amber heard trial in which we witnessed a toxic relationship. Which is something I advise you should all be avoiding as well.

Now toxins are substances that are poisonous to the human body that are found in the environment, as well as in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Think virus, bacteria, parasites, et cetera. Toxins are all around us and always will be. Luckily as humans we have built in mechanisms to neutralize these toxins. So they do not interfere with our health. Unfortunately though our detoxification systems may be overwhelmed based on our exposures, our lifestyles, or even damaged from some of these substances in which we may need some extra help in terms of diet supplementation, as well as lifestyle.

So what does one do when we are overwhelmed with toxins that the body can not neutralize and remove? I'll be getting to this shortly. Now relationships, the other portion of this pillar are defined as the way in which two or more people are connected, or the state of being connected. Columbia university reports that the average American knows about 600 people.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a lot of people, which means a lot of relationships. Trying to think of 600 different names off the top of your head seems nearly impossible. At least it seems like that for me, unfortunately, some of our relationships have negative effects on our mental health, as well as our physical health.

Wouldn't it be nice if you had some strategies or methods on how to manage these relationships, to get the very most out of your life and the lives of those around you? Well, friends I have great news. Once again, here at McLaughlin care thanks to our new partnership with the heal community, we have those tools to help manage, curate, and share positive experiences in all of your current and future relationships. Not only that, but we will help you learn how to communicate with others. That will give you a better understanding of who they are on a deeper level, as well as give them a better understanding of who you are at a deeper level.

One thing I find beautiful about having positive relationships in life is how others can actually teach you more about yourself than you currently know about yourself at the time. But that's not all, this pillar is also about toxins. As mentioned earlier. We at McLaughlin care and the heal community will teach you where possible toxin exposure may be occurring in your life, the most common exposures that we as Americans face on a daily basis, how to avoid these common exposures, as well as the health exposures that are maybe less common. As well as alternatives for common items that contain these toxins and how to aid our body's physiology to remove these toxins from our systems.

To help you fully understand the benefits of virtual group health coaching program and what the heal community offers. Let me provide you with some statistics collected from the patients that have completed the virtual health coaching program. These statistics represent patients who scored above average on their initial life functions assessment, and the given category and report percentage of patients who experienced a noticeable shift.

Of those who experienced a noticeable shift, there were 64.9% for pain decrease, anxiety improved 61.3% of the individuals who were experiencing above average anxiety. Depression was improved in 74.7% of individuals who scored highly in depression. Fatigue was decreased in 74.7% of these individuals, sleep disturbances went down for 71.8% of these individuals and social struggles decreased 34.5% for those who were experiencing above average struggles with participating in social roles.

These results are totally attainable guys. Virtual group health coaching programs have been studied and tested, and the data is evident that this educational based model of healthcare will help save your health from chronic disease and will also help save your pocketbook when it comes to healthcare costs. The information you will learn from this virtual group health coaching program will help serve you for the rest of your life and the lives of your families.

And best of all, this is billable to your insurance. The best way to improve health care is to prevent the deterioration of health. The preventative model of health is the future of healthcare. And not only does it empower the patient with the knowledge to keep themselves healthy, but it also allows the patient to save money and maximize their benefits from their insurance.

I hope you all learned something from this. And if you liked it, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more information on health and wellness.

If you're ready to take control of your health now and take the next step, click the heal community link and go ahead and sign up and we will get started. I'd like to leave you all with a short poem by Rupi Kaur. "When the world comes crashing at your feet, it's okay to let others help pick up the pieces. If we're present to take part in your happiness, when your circumstances are great, we are more than capable of sharing your pain -community".

Thank you friends. And I hope you guys all have a great rest of your week.

Check out our Heal Community today!

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