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What's the Risk? -Knowing Your Numbers - What you don’t know won’t hurt you, however, it may kill you!

Click Here to Take Health Risk Assessment Quiz Now!



Here are some slides that we have for all of you. So again, this is to take the quiz. What are the hidden risks that may be affecting your health? So we always say don't gamble with your health, know your risk. And so if you're following along at home and you want to write it down on paper,

you can download our McLaughlin health risk assessment. If you go to McLaughlin forward slash quiz, it will give you the paper version of what we're going to be going through. So you can mark your correct answers, answers you need to work on, and just follow along with us. If you don't want to download that, just grab a piece of paper.


And I want you to follow along. There's going to be 20 questions that we're going to go through, and I want you to write down what your answer is, and then we'll go through and we'll tell you what the risk is. And then we have some ideas of things that you can do to change that risk. So when we look at this, we are, we are chiropractors and we are functional medicine practitioners. And so we look at things a little differently.


There's a study that came out that was in 2015, and this is actually from the HHS. And it says that a hundred million people have chronic pain. Now that's a really big deal to us because we're chiropractors. And that's what we treat is chronic pain. But yet it's super sad because there's an opioid drug crisis in this country, right? So it doesn't make sense where you have a great solution to treat chronic pain. A hundred million people are suffering, but we have an answer, but not everybody knows. So this is what this is about, is to teach you what you can do and, and how you can know about these things that we can change.


Because when you think about it, cardiologists, treat heart disease and heart attacks, and they're doing stents and bypasses and giving people drugs. But guess what? Heart disease is the number one killer. So just because we have these solutions for these problems, doesn't mean that people are doing it. And because you don't know the risks, so many things are hidden,

but did you know that there's a direct link between chronic pain and heart disease? And so let's face it. No, one's going to die, of back pain, hopefully. Right? And it wasn't going to die that, but you could die of heart disease, but that back pain could lead to heart disease. So we want to make sure we're on the frontline and we're adjusting this.


If you have any kind of chronic pain, that's a huge, huge red flag. And we don't want you ending up with that number one killer in our country. And no, it's not COVID, it is heart disease. So we want to work on that, right? Dr. Jake Increases your comorbidity mortality for COVID, but it's still the number one killer in front While in front of COVID and it has been for years.

Yeah, absolutely. So one of the ways that traditional medicine kind of rates your risk is, is are you going to have a potential heart attack, high blood pressure stroke in the next 10 years is something called the Framingham risk score. And it's called FRS. And sometimes on the top of your labs, when you get them done, if you look in really small letters, it will say you're a Framingham risk score.


Now, this risk assessment was developed in 1948, and it's still being used today. Now, you know, I that's pretty old, right? That's that was developed a long time ago. And this is what it looks at. It looks at gender age, total cholesterol, blood pressure, and smoking status. That's it.

So, can you guys think of other things that might be missing on this? Can you think of some other things you'd like to see? Like it doesn't take into account the different types of class draw, heck it doesn't take into account your weight or your height, any of these other things, right? There are so many things that are missing.


So when you look at this Framingham risk score that we use today,

it, it has major flaws in it for women. It has an 82% error rate. And for men, it has a 66% error rate. So let's say you go to the doctor and, and I've heard of a case that this has happened to this woman, went to the doctor and got her labs done and said, your Framingham risk score says,

you're great. You have no risk. She goes home. And she starts getting this feeling like in her neck, she thinks she's got an acid, you know, acid reflux. And she's saying, oh, it can't be a heart attack. My doctor told me that my Framingham risk score is really, really good. And because women have atypical heart attack symptoms, she has a heart attack because she had that false sense of security that everything was okay because they missed a lot by looking at that Framingham risk score. And it's the same thing with men, 66% error rate. So I figured out there has to be a better way, right?


There has to be a better way because when you look at this study,

we look at there are four major risk factors for people that are going to have a heart attack, right? So it's going to be hypertension, high blood pressure smoking high cholesterol or diabetes. Now we would think like common sense would say, if you got all four of those, you are more likely to have a heart attack, right? It's not the case.


62% of all people who have heart attacks, whoops, sorry, actually only have the zero to one risk factor because so many things are hidden. And there are so many things other than just hypertension smoking and in-class drawl and diabetes, that can be triggering this. And that's what we're going to look at. So it's really crazy that if you have two risk factors, you're 28% likely. And if you have three, you're only 9% likely to have a heart attack and you have four you're only 1%. So how crazy is that? When we look at this, so you can't judge a book by its cover, just because you're not having symptoms doesn't mean you're at risk. So I'm watching to get that paper out because I want you to follow along with me.


I want you to know what the risks are. Now. Some of these risks are genetic and some of these risks are a lifestyle. Some of these risks, if your genetic, we know we can't change our genetics, we can't change what our gene says, but we can turn them on and off. And just because you have a loaded gun, doesn't mean you have to pull the trigger, right? So there are 20 questions and we're going to go through everyone and we're going to show you the relative risk with each one. And I think you're going to be surprised. And once you do this, you're going to want to have your spouse do it. And your family members do it. And you guys are going to compare answers because then you're going to know what you can work on.


So here is our very first question, right? So do you have a family history of early-onset heart disease, right? So that's going to be a heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. That's going to be a male in your family before the age of 55 or a female before the age of 65. If somebody in your family had an early onset heart attack and it was fatal,

God forbid that's even higher risk, right? So if you say, no, I don't have anybody. That's good because this question is the number one risk of whether or not you're going to have a heart attack. And it doubles your cardiovascular risk of disease.


Just if someone in your family had that. And if someone has it before the age of 35, it 10 times increases your risk. So the answers that you're going to have this relative risk on is if you have it on one side of your family, if you have a, on both sides of your family, or if you have multiple generations or your family, you are at risk. So if you're at risk for this, put a little star by it, so you can keep track. The second question on the risk assessment is, do you have bleeding gums or gum disease? Now, this is really important because if you do have bloody gums, you know, if you, if you floss and you've got, you're spitting out blood afterward, this is going to triple your risk of heart attack or stroke. So you may think is just a dental problem that your or your teeth are the cause of the problem, but it could be more internal. And if you have this, you know, also check it. If you marked deary, we're going to come back to it again and see how this affects your cardiovascular risks.


Yeah, it was so interesting because who would think that bleeding gums would be a cardiovascular risk similar to that back pain that we've mentioned earlier, you know,

other chronic, Right? It's crazy when you look at it. So here's question number three, sleep. What best describes your sleep pattern? Right? So you get, if you get seven to eight hours, a night of sound sleep, are you restless, but you get six to eight hours. If you sleep less than seven, but more than nine, less than four hours a night, or less than five. And their poor quality of sleep. If you're doing less than seven or more than nine, if you're doing less than five poor quality, and you're doing less than four, you are at risk. And your four times increased risk of diabetes and obesity. If you're sleeping less than seven hours a night.


So, I mean, you think like, gee, if I'm sleeping more, I'm not moving as much. So how could I get obese? But if you're not sleeping, sleeping is one of our number one health hygiene habits that you have to have it's necessary for everybody. So to prevent diabetes and obesity, I want you to get some sleep.


Okay. So I can relate to this question because I answer yes, occasionally to this one. So I do snore. So do you snore, if you do snore, it could, it also increases your risk of hypertension more than actual smoking or obesity. So if you think about it, if you're snoring, you're not getting enough oxygen that you need, and that's really going to have a large effect. So what I do is not by choice, but my wife, no, just me on the shoulder because I can't, she can't get any sleep. And when she does that wakes me up, tells me I'm snoring. I know, oh, I'm sleeping on my back. Let me move to my side, put a pillow between my legs, get a nice, comfortable position, you know, good biomechanics for chiropractors. We're all about that. So that's the little tool I use to avoid snoring.


So if you answered that you occasionally snore, you do frequently and loudly. That's a huge red flag that you should get this checked out. If you have a member with sleep apnea,

again, I can relate to that. I have a family member. And if you have sleep apnea yourself, you have to get this checked out as soon as possible to mitigate any sort of side effects down the road. Yeah, absolutely. There's a huge one. I mean, it's kind of shocking that snoring has more of a risk than somebody who smokes or is obese because we know that those are risk factors,

but we don't think of snoring. Is that, so that's a big deal, right? So question number five is, do you have rheumatoid arthritis, celiacs? I would condition psoriasis, lupus, or any other inflammatory or autoimmune disease. Right? So if you have one of those, you are at risk for 40% increase in cardiovascular disease. And I think like, why, why is it just like we talked about at the beginning because inflammation gives you cardiovascular disease, right?


And what, when we know we're in the COVID era and COVID causes cardiovascular inflammation, anything that's causing inflammation is going to affect you. So if you're taking medication to control it, you still have that condition. Some people think, well, I've rheumatoid arthritis,

but I'm taking medicine. So I don't really have it. You really do have it. And it still affects you with inflammation, but maybe not as much as if you weren't having it treated, but if you are taking medication, but you still have symptoms, which is really common in these autoimmune conditions, or if someone in your family has symptoms or an autoimmune condition, you're still going to be at risk 40% increased risk for cardiovascular disease.


Okay. So our next one, have you been checked for vitamin D deficiency? This is extremely, extremely important, especially with COVID. One of the biggest risk factors for poor outcomes for COVID is a vitamin D deficiency. There are lots of studies on this one that I saw recently was nine out of 10 COVID deaths can be linked to a vitamin D deficiency.


So that's very interesting. So very, very important to get your vitamin D checked, checked, especially in the area that we live in, wherein Illinois, we don't get as much sunlight as other places, closer to the equator. So we can't produce enough as much vitamin D ourselves. So the stat we have on here, people with low blood levels of vitamin D were twice as likely to have diabetes, 40% more likely to have high blood pressure in 30% more likely to suffer from a heart attack. So this is something that can be managed very, very easily, get your levels checked, and we can get you supplemented on this. If you're between 60 and 80, that's awesome. If your vitamin D is between 40 and 60, that's considered normal range, but that's not the optimal range. And as functional medical practitioners, we want to get those optimal ranges for our patients 30 to 40. You're starting to approach that really low level of what's considered a normal level. If you don't know your vitamin D level more reason to get it checked out, because now, you know if you need to fix something, if you don't get it checked, and if your vitamin D is lower than 30, you're considered deficient. And again, the deficiency is very prevalent in poor outcomes in COVID.


So check friends, We should probably add the COVID risk rate on here. You know, because that is a huge, huge risk because we all know people who've been in contact with people who have had COVID and maybe that person didn't get it, but the other people in the car did and that person's taken vitamin D that's what, that's what we've been seeing. Not that it's a cure-all, but it definitely doesn't hurt. And it's not very expensive, but you need to check your levels. So the next question is, do you have a history of migraine headaches, migraine headaches? We don't think of migraine headaches as a cardiovascular disease, but people who have migraines with visual aura, like maybe they see flashing lights or some kind of disturbance. And if they have it at least once a week, they're four times more likely to have a stroke, right? So nobody wants to have that. Like, don't sign me up for this, this is not number one. The headaches are horrific, but number two,

you don't want to be at four times the risk of having strokes. So if you're suffering from headaches, I want you to know that chiropractic is an excellent, excellent option for headache control and correction for migraines and for any kind of headaches, you may be suffering. And as well as looking at functional medicine and other causes, maybe it's hormone-related, maybe you're having food,


sensitivities, there are all kinds of things that can be causing these headaches. You can do to change it to not at risk of a stroke. Okay. So another big thing in relation to cardiovascular disease is, you know, pay attention to your levels of stress. People that are really, really stressed have two times the risk for heart attack and three times the risk of stroke

because the constant stress is going to increase the inflammation. So if you answered, sometimes you have some people are telling you your stress. That probably means your stress. If you feel stressed all the time, you really need to start figuring out how to cope with this stress in order to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as just improve the lives of yourself and the people around you.


It's we live in a very stressful time right now. You know, things are closed, we're entering Christmas and the holiday season, and that can put a lot of stress on individuals and families. So if you have these kinds of stress stresses in your life, seek out some sort of coping mechanism to where you can reduce this stress. You can do meditation, yoga, other exercises. We can evaluate you guys and give you guys possible outlets for managing this kind of stress and all those things related to. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's such a scary thing. We hear here of those people that have, they have a heart attack from a broken heart in its really stressful situation. They can trigger a heart attack.


So we don't want you to have that. So number nine, how much total time do you spend sitting? Is that on your job when you're driving? And now, you know, these little Fitbit things are so readily available to monitor this. So if you're sitting more than nine hours a day, right, you have a 40% increased risk of dying within three years from any cause compared to those who sat less than four hours a day.


So all I can tell you is get up and move, and I know we're all locked down and we're not able to do a lot of things that we normally do, but I, if you don't have a Fitbit, get up and walk around your desk and set your alarm every 20 minutes, but just definitely keep moving because we always say, we know smoking's bad for us, but sitting is the new smoking. And you can see with this type of risk, it, it actually is a higher risk than smoking. So along with sitting and stress, we've talked about exercise and how much exercise do you get is very important in determining your risk for cardiovascular disease. So sedentary person, meaning a person who's sitting a lot risk of dying is nearly 50 times higher than a risk.


A person who exercises about five times per week. So I don't know about you, but 50 times scares me. So if you're not moving, it's time to really get moving. We would like to see you working out for at least 30 minutes, five to seven days per week. That's, what's generally recommended. If you can get in two to four times a week, that's also good, anything less, you know, if you're doing 30 minutes or less, only once or twice a week, you don't exercise at all. Or you only do the exercise once a week. That's going to substantially increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and poor health outcomes. So we need to get moving. We need to, you know, get blood pumping into our muscles.


It'll help fix your metabolism. And it also just release endorphins and you'll feel better. So let's get out and exercise, even though the gym is closed, there are tons and tons of things we can do. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Question number 11, we all know smoking's bad, right? They put like mourning labels on those packages. And in this category, we're going to put in those Juul vaping things too, because that's basically, you're inhaling things into your lungs. So we know this, right? So if you used to smoke, but you quit less than five years ago, you're at risk.


If you are smoking, even if you're tween tobacco, you're at risk, or if you're exposed to secondhand smoke regularly,

women who smoke have an increased risk of a heart attack at 19 years younger than a non-smoking woman. So your chance of dying 19 years early, because you smoke or are exposed to smoke is huge, but pumping even just one cigarette a day, hikes the threat of a heart attack by 63% and smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day, quadruples that number. So if that's not enough evidence to not smoke, I, I don't know what is, Okay. So the next topic is soft drinks. I know they taste good, but soft drinks have a lot of stuff, a lot of sugar and a lot of things that are not very healthy for you. So whether the stack, okay, so one to two sodas a day, it can increase your risk of diabetes, like 26% cardiovascular disease by 35% and stroke by 16%. So this is really important.


You know, we got to have a balanced diet. It's okay to maybe have a soft drink like never Avoid these at all costs. If you rarely drink soda, diet or regular, this still puts you at risk. If you're once a week. Exactly. Even more than, you know, one soda every few months is probably not the best choice. So let's try to drink water, healthier juices, and things like that in order to sustain our thirst. Yeah. That's absolutely how know I called it the soda. I tell my kids it's liquid death, right? Liquid death. You might as well just drink it up. If you're gonna have it in the diet goes for that.

And we're going to put in this category, that latte, Pitino, Carmel, whatever, all those, you know, fruit, fruit, like coffee drinks, they have so much sugar in 'em even have more sugar than, than the sodas, right? Yeah. And even be careful with juices too, because you know, juices, don't have the fiber that th the fruits actually have.


So even those are really high sugar and enhanced in the sugar category. So even be careful, you know, look at your labels and make sure that you're not consuming too much sugar. Yeah, Absolutely. So this one is for women only. So women did you experience high blood pressure or gestational diabetes during pregnancy, if you did right. Gestational diabetes is at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and types two diabetes in the mother and obesity in the child.

Even after your pregnancy, if your blood sugar goes back to normal, you still have that increased risk. So you have to take precautions to keep this turned off. If you've had hypertension or preeclampsia, which is a risk of cardiovascular disease later in life, your blood vessel walls actually thicken from this. So even if your blood pressure goes back to normal after you have the baby, there are still things you want to work on to try to minimize your risk. So 13 bees for men only, this is an awkward question, but do you have erectile dysfunction? If you answer yes, that is going to increase your risk of cardiovascular disease by 1.4 times. And you may be taking a medication such as Viagra, you know, to combat this erectile dysfunction, but it may improve your life in certain areas, but it's not going to protect you against heart disease. Unfortunately, another good reason why we need to get our blood checked and look at what's going on internally and not just what symptoms we are having on the outside. Absolutely. Yeah, because, you know, if you have to take that medication, that means you have a problem.


It doesn't mean that because the medication is, is covering up that problem. You still probably have something going on with heart disease and you want to get that chapter. We always say, know your numbers. So on this one, number 14, do you take supplements daily that were recommended or prescribed by your health care provider? And the reason that we say prescribed from your health care provider, because not all supplements are for all people, and they're not all created equal. So you need to know what you need personally, specifically. I, because we've had people come in and they're taking tons of supplements, maybe they're doing more harm than good, or maybe they're taking something that's absolutely worthless. And so if you have a need that you want your supplements recommended, or you want them evaluated, let us know because this is absolutely something we do and can help you with because there's a good reason to believe that a higher intake of nutrients may prolong your life. Okay. So the next question is related to all those sugary and poor diet choices we've been talking about, do you have diabetes or high blood sugar type one diabetic sail produce insulin-like the, like the rest of the population and tie it to diabetics is usually related to lifestyle choices, but there is also a still genetic component to that too.


Anyways, if you are one of these people that suffer from diabetes, you are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than people without diabetes. So if you have someone in your family that puts you at risk,

if you're pre-diabetic, that's basically saying I'm diabetic. Just my numbers aren't exactly there yet. Or maybe that day I took the test. My blood sugar was a little lower. If you have your blood sugar tested, then you got to get tested as soon as possible. And if you already know you're a diabetic, then we have to make sure that you're controlling your diabetes.


So it doesn't increase insulin resistance. And so your blood sugar is not out of control. So we control this risk as much as possible. Absolutely. My question number 16, do you have the pain of any kind, right? Any kind? It goes back to the original inflammation that we talked about at the beginning. So if you're having pain even once or twice a month,

let alone, you know, once or twice a week or every day or constant pain, that inflammation leads to all chronic disease. And it raises your risk of having a heart attack by 45%. I'm here to tell you Dr. Jake and I can help you with that pain. That is something that we're very good at. And if you're experiencing pain, definitely do not suffer. Just let us know. And we have great drug-free alternatives that can help you with that pain. So another very, very important factor. What's probably often very overlooked by many of us is do you have healthy relationships and a rich social network of friends and activities? It's we live in COVID-19 right now, and times are a little hard.


At least we have, you know, FaceTime and zoom where we can communicate with each other. And there are small gatherings that we can do. That'll improve this category, but if you don't have very good relationships, a lot of times it's can lead to depression. And if you have depression, this could increase your heart risk for heart disease by two times.

So it's very important to, you know, reach out to people and have that good social network, you know, in order to avoid, you know, mental health issues such as depression. So for these categories, I wouldn't call it rich, but I have friends to see from time to time, you know, try to just see friends a little bit more often, and you know, maybe they need to see you too. You know, if you don't have any friends and you really like it that way, that's good for you that you found out that, you know, you don't need other people for your own sense of self-satisfaction, but it really will improve your life. If you get to meet other people, you know, give someone a hug, get a little oxytocin release, which is like that love chemical. That makes you feel good. If you really don't have a lot of friends and you only see them occasionally, you know, give them a call on the phone, you just try to do whatever you can to improve those relationships in your life. And it'll improve in more aspects than just heart disease.


Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. That's human. Okay. Question number 18, you drink alcohol, right? So we know during COVID the alcohol sales is way up, right? So these are the answers. So not drinking alcohol on the wa other than if you're an alcoholic, right? That the numbered, the allowed number for health reasons is one to two glasses, three times a week or less, right? So three to six glasses total would be that ideal number. And we're not saying that you want to drink all six in one day, all at one time, we don't want you to be getting drunk, right? Because excessive alcohol drinkers are going to have one to two times increased risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality in increased risk from all forms of stroke.


So if you're drinking too much, you know, no one has to tell you, you, you just kind of cut back and monitor your own habits. That would be really, really helpful. Okay. So back to kind of the poor diet choices, do you eat meals or snacks that contain sugar in any form like cookies, cakes, candy, pasta sugar-laden sauces just like catch up unfortunately and bread,

especially white bread, in particular, are the worst? So sugar is pro-inflammatory and type one and type two diabetics that can't handle sugar, or those with metabolic syndrome are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those without these conditions. So sugar, it tastes good. And glucose is, you know, our energy molecule, but there are good places. We can get it in bad places.


We can get it in process. Sugar is very pro-inflammatory and not healthy for us. So avoid eating all that processed sugar. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry about that. I don't know why it flipped forward. I think it's having a mind of its own today. So question number 20, are you taking medication for chronic medical problems, such as digestive disorders, cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, headaches, chronic pain, blood sugar problems, chronic fatigue, immune problems, autoimmune problems, chronic infections, or any other conditions. So if you're taking any medications that say that you got something going on and they say for every medication you take is associated with a 22% increased risk of greater risk of transitioning from robust health to death.


Now, like nobody wants this, right? And this came from the American geriatrics, geriatric society, either journal. And so we want to make sure that there are things that you can reverse and things that you can manage. And so knowing the difference will help you greatly when it comes to your health. So at the end of the day, I want you to know your numbers.

So the risk assessment that we look at, you just covered 20 questions rather than those, for the questions in the Framingham risk score. But we look at a lot of things. We look at that quiz that we do, but in the office, we also look at other things, of course, we're going to look at age, gender BMI, right?


Your body mass composition. So that's your height and weight ratio smoking status. We're going to look at your blood pressure, your percent body fat, your waist to hip ratio. Did you know if you have a waist to hip ratio that is too big, that's our risk of heart attack, right? So how about your mobility? We look at functional movements, femur. We look at your flexibility and your strength. We look at subluxations, we look at your back and if you're having back pain, creating inflammation, we look forward, head posture, everybody's on the computer. Everybody's suffering from this. We look at the questions and the risk assessment that you just took. We look at your strength and we look at your waist measurement.


Those are all things that are going to help affect your long-term health. And there are things that you can change and things that you can improve. So how are you going to change these risks? We say you're going to eat better. You're going to move better and you're going to think better. But the first thing you need to know is know your numbers and know where your risks lie.

So we know what to address specifically for you. So you, you enjoyed this and you want to take this online and look at those risk factors. Again, you can go to our website and McLaughlin, Boris slashes risk dash assessment. And you can take this online. And when you click submit, it will give you the answers with the relative risk that we just went through.


You can have your family members do it too, and you can work on these things together because the one thing I know for sure is a very dangerous belief that there's nothing that can be done because we are here to tell you, there's absolutely something that you can do for each and every one of these risk factors to make sure that they are not triggering chronic disease in your body

because we are here for you because our sole focus is to improve the quality of life and health for every person we encounter. And so that's why we have all of these educational courses for you. So you can learn the best way to become healthy. But sometimes we know you need a little bit of extra help. So for today, we're offering you to live a pain-free drug-free life.


And this offer is good for you, your children, your spouses, your coworkers, your families, anybody not in attendance who may need this help if they make their appointment. So we're offering a free 15-minute virtual consultation with either Dr. Jake or I, and we have six spots available. We've had to limit it in our schedule, but we want to make sure we take care of you.


So if you are interested in this and you would like to schedule, this is the link, and we're going to put it in the chat below as well to click on the link and you can schedule us once those six slots are filled up. We won't have any available again for some, some time on these free consultations. So some of the things that we offer here in the office are going to be exams in histories,

chiropractic, massage, acupuncture. We do a posture assessment standing and sitting at your workstation. We do lean screens looking at body composition. We do telehealth appointments and functional medicine. Tele-health visits as well as advanced and routine blood tests in office and virtual weight-loss and laser-like liposuctions. So what is telehealth just like this? When we're on zoom, we talk to our patients wherever they are, and we can share our screen and go over lab work. So it's a really great option, especially during COVID, if you can't be in person. So if you like this, and you want more information about our clinic or watch more of our programs, follow us on Facebook or Facebook, a private Facebook group for our patients called upside wellness and enjoying for free.


And we have a whole series of different talks, and you can find them on project and it's P R O J E C T S E L F And you'll find all of our series on there as well. So remember to make your appointment now. And here's the link again, because the only solution for a lifestyle problem is a lifestyle solution.


So thank you for joining us. Thank you, Dr. Jake. Now you guys know your risks, so let's take advantage and take our health. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Have a great day.


Health Risk Quiz

Health Risk Quiz!

Chiropractic, Functional Medicine & Wellness

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