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Pillar 4 - Movement & Exercise - Heal Community

Updated: Aug 30, 2023


Hey, Dr. McNamara here with the next pillar of health, which happens to be my favorite pillar... move. This pillar is my favorite not only because I love to move, but I also love to perform the exercise and I love to challenge myself both physically and mentally. But as a chiropractor, I teach my patients how to perform correct movement patterns, because it is the number one way we can all prevent injuries and reduce the development of chronic pain.

I want to emphasize that I teach correct movement. Suppose you're a beginner or have taken significant time off exercise, or have any symptoms of pain. In that case, you need to be working with a professional that is trained in movement patterns and proper exercise techniques, such as a chiropractor or our health coaches at the heal community to ensure the safety and efficacy of exercise.

Also if you have not yet done so make sure to speak with your doctor before you start any type of exercise or exercise program. So let's start with some statistics on movement in general. Let's begin, 12 hours is the amount of time the average person is sitting or sedentary every single day. Replacing one of these hours of sitting with low-level activity, such as walking can actually reduce mortality by up to 30%. The fourth leading risk factor for global mortality is also physical inactivity. Those who maintain regular bouts of exercise, reduce the risk of cognitive decline by 50%. That's quite a bit.

There are also 3.2 million deaths a year that are related to physical inactivity, and a lot of this can be mitigated by interrupting sitting time because it can be effective in lowering postprandial glucose. Insulin levels help you keep healthy body weight and just overall healthier. So I'm sure for many of you those stats alone are enough to get you to start performing more movements on a daily basis. Now let's take a look at exercise in relation to what I treat on a daily basis, which is pain. In a review that looked at exercise-induced, hyperalgesia, meaning decreased sensitivity to pain in groups of chronic pain versus groups of pain-free populations.

There were some major key takeaways from the study I want to go over. So for one, aerobic and resistance training exercise typically leads to decreased sensitivity to pain in adults. Exercise may also lead to decreased sensitivity to pain, but also interestingly enough, increased sensitivity to pain in some people experiencing chronic pain.

Several different factors may influence the effect of exercise on pain. I like this study because it reiterated the two major points I just made, exercise can help reduce symptoms of pain in most of us. And that it is very important to consult with your chiropractor or medical doctor before beginning any type of exercise program for there is a possibility it can cause that increased sensitivity to pain, hyperalgesia, in some of these chronic pain patients.

It also adds another point, which is there are many factors that influence one individual's pain. One of which is improper movement patterns, which one can argue is the most common. Other factors that contribute to the increased sensation are primarily the subjectivity of pain. How it's interpreted in our brains may require more diagnostic testing.

But that is just pain. Let me give you some more of the many health benefits of exercise, resistance training, and aerobic exercise that have been shown to improve cardiovascular health, strength, muscle composition, metabolic health, cognition, balance, and pain. As I mentioned earlier, in case you forgot, although I know you guys didn't, depression, anxiety, stress. A lot of that was covered in our last pillar. If you haven't seen that, go check that out.

Digestion, gut health, the list goes on and on. Exercise even induces the activation of specific genes known as sirtuins which have been discovered that these genes promote a longer lifespan. So if you want to be in great health and have a great long lifespan. You got to get moving in whatever way you can, and in ways that you enjoy. Exercise can be a very tough endeavor to try and tackle. This is where the heal community can help you not only understand the importance and how to exercise but provide you with a safe place to begin the exercise with the safety net of a community that wants to accomplish the same goals as you.

The goal is to live long and as happy as possible for yourself and the ones that you love. If you are someone who is not the biggest fan of exercise, that is totally fine. There are so many other ways to get up and get moving such as dancing, walking, sports, gardening, and even just playing with your kids or even pets.

If we can change your mindset about exercise and fitness. So you're not looking at it as building muscle and looking good in the gym, in terms of how do I keep my body, mind, and health in the best position to do the things I love, with the people I love for as long as possible. And I think all of us, can at least find some enjoyment out of exercise when we look at it from that perspective.

I hope you all learned a little bit about the importance of movement. When it comes to health and longevity and how the community can improve these outcomes and even make them easier and more fun to perform. So if you guys haven't yet, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you guys want more information about health and wellness stay tuned for later this week, we'll be going over the next pillar, which is pillar number five, sleep.

Check out our Heal Community today!

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